Inseries - Business Calculator for iPhone, iPad & Mac

Business Calculator

Inseries helps business people perform calculations faster. As a smart calculator, it bridges the gap between simple calculators and spreadsheet apps such as Excel. Simply type in 100+20% to add taxes, or 100-30% to easily calculate a discount.

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IntellgentIntelligent professional Calculator

SimpleSimple and clear user interface

HistoryPersistent calculation and result history

Example Use Cases

ExampleAdding Sales Tax or VAT

Adding Sales Tax or VAT is easier with Inseries than with most other calculators. Simply type in the price and then add the tax by adding the actual percentage (e.g. 20% for Austria's VAT). Inseries will intuitively guess that you really want to add the percentage rather than the number 0.2 ;-). A tip: you probably also want to switch to two fraction digits mode by double tapping on the result field.

ExampleDeducting a %-discount

Also subtracting discounts is very easy with Inseries. Like for adding taxes, you can also deduct discounts simply by subtracting the actual percent discount (e.g., "-30%"). Inseries will then assume that you want to subtract 30% of the left operand value. Again you may want to switch two fraction digits mode by double tapping on the result field.

ExampleClearly sum up many numbers

Sometimes you need to sum up many numbers and you want to keep track on what you already entered. The best way to do this with Inseries is by entering each number followed by the quick-sum key on the calculator keypad. The quick-sum key always adds the entered number to the current result, so you save a key press and you see all summed up numbers nicely on top of each other. A tip: clear the result before starting such a calculation, this will add a stronger separator line below the previous result.

ExampleUsing trigonometric functions

All trigonometric functions such as sin, cos, and tan are located in the functions chooser that you access via the f function key on the left bottom of the calculator keypad. You simply choose the function and then enter the function's argument (within the brackets). If you want to use degrees rather than radians you can enter them as "180°" using the degrees ° key.

ExampleCalculate a Random Number

Humans are inherently bad at coming up with random numbers, therefore a random number generator can sometimes come in handy. The rand function does not take any arguments and returns a random decimal number between 0 and 1. The dice6 function simulates a standard 6-sided dice, the more generic dice function takes the number of sides as its only argument, e.g., dice(10) for a 10-sided dice.

ExampleCalculate the remainder of a division

Inseries provides a built-in % modulo operator to calculate the remainder of a division (e.g., 5 % 2).

Calculations & Results

FAQHow can I use the current result in a new calculation?

If you start a new calculation with an operator you are implicitly using the current result as the left operand. In order to use the result in the middle of a calculation, or as an operand for a function you can use the R button on the calculator keypad.

FAQIs there a quick way to clear the calculation field?

Yes, long-tapping the backspace key (located in the top-left corner of the calculator keypad) will clear the calculation field.

FAQHow can I copy the result of a calculation?

Long-tap on the result field to bring up the result field menu. Select the Copy action to copy the result into the clipboard.

FAQCan I go "back" to the previous result?

You can delete any row that is not referenced by another calculation via swipe-to-delete (swiping left on the given row); as the last calulation cannot be referenced by any other calculation, you can always delete the last calculation.

FAQHow can I clear the current result?

The easiest way to clear the result field is to use a swipe-right gesture on the right-hand side of the result field. Alternatively, you can long-tap on the result field to bring up the result field menu and use the Clear Result action.

FAQCan I clear all previous results?

Yes, long-press the clear (C) button in the upper left corner of the key pad in order to clear all previous calculations and results.

Date Calculations Tips

FAQHow can I enter a date?

You can enter dates using one of two formats: DD.MM.YYYY, or MM.DD.YYYY (or DD,MM,YYYY if the ',' is your decimal separator). You can switch between both formats using the result field context menu. You can also enter two-digit years (YY) where years 70 or higher are interpreted as 1970, 1971, etc. and lower years as 2001, 2002, 2003,...

FAQHow can I calculate the number of days between two dates?

You can subtract the two dates from each other (e.g., 2.11.2014 - 2.6.2014). You can also use the dweek and dmon functions to calculate the number of weeks or months by passing the start and end date as its arguments, e.g., dweek(2.6.2014, 2.11.2014).

FAQCan I add days to a given date and calculate the result date?

Yes, simply use the standard + operator to add days to a date (e.g., 2.6.2014 + 5).

FAQIs there a way to get the current date?

Yes, simply use the today function.

FAQIs it possible to calculate the current calendar week?

Yes, you can use the week function in combination with the today function to calculate the current calendar week, e.g., week(today()).

Memory Operations

FAQHow do I store the current result in memory?

Use a swipe-left gesture to "slide" the result into the memory on the left side of the result field. The memory icon will become darker when a value has been stored in memory. Alternatively, use the 2nd function of the M button.

FAQHow do I retrieve a stored result from memory?

Use a swipe-right gesture on the left side of the result field to "push" the memory variable into the calculation field ("M"). Alternatively, you can use the M button on the calculator keypad.

FAQHow do I clear the memory?

Use a swipe-up gesture on the left side of the result field to clear the memory. The memory icon will get lighter again when the memory has been cleared.

General Usage

FAQHow do I switch between fraction digit modes?

Inseries provides three different fraction digit modes: All fraction digits (default), 2 fraction digits, and 4 fraction digits. You toggle between fraction digit modes via double-tapping onto the result field. You know that you are in 2 fraction digit mode if a small 2 is shown to the right of the result field; the 4 fraction digit mode shows a small 4. The fraction digit mode is an implicit app setting and, thus, persists between app restarts.

FAQHow do I enter a function?

You can access all functions via the "f" function key on the left bottom of the calculator keypad. Most functions take a single argument right after the opening bracket (e.g. sin, cos, tan, round). The modulo function mod takes two arguments that need to be separated by the argument separator key (comma ',' or semicolon ';' depending on your locale settings). The random value function rand takes no arguments.

FAQHow do I access constants such as e, or pi?

You can access all built-in constants via the 2nd function (c) of the f function key in the lower left area of the calculator keypad. The most often used constants pi and e are accessible directly via the key right above the function key. All other mathematical constants are accessible via the function chooser only. If you want to "see" the decimal number behind a constant simply add it to an empty calculation and press the enter key on the calculator keypad.

Usage on the Mac

FAQHow do I activate and deactivate the Inseries app using just the keyboard?

You can configure a global hotkey using the preferences window accessible via the gear drop-down menu. A good keyboard shortcut that works well on many keyboard layouts is CTRL+CMD+-. In order to close Inseries without quitting it simply press the ESC key.

FAQCan I start Inseries automatically when I log into my Mac?

Yes, you can switch on auto-startup in the preferences window that is accessible through the gear drop-down menu.

FAQI don't like colored icons in my menu bar, can I have a black-and-white icon?

Of course, simply use the gear drop-down menu to open the preferences window and switch to the black-and-white menu bar icon.

FAQCan I directly click on the small date format and fraction digits indicator icons?

Yes, starting with Inseries 3.5 for Mac you can directly toggle the date format and the number of displayed fraction digits by clicking on the appropriate indicator icons.

Latest News

NewsInseries 3.5 for Mac Introduces Auto-Start at Login

Inseries 3.5 introduces a modern way to auto-start our calculator app at login -- simply enable the appropriate checkbox under "Preferences".

Additionally, you can now click on the indicator icons displayed on the very right side of the display in order to faster toggle the date format and the number of displayed fraction digits.